what we do
brand identity
design by
Ryan Wang
Obie Lai
Chiu Chiu
Splitlath Redmond
在接觸到Splitlath Redmond Motor Sport之後,我們都變成速度迷。看著Isle of Man TT曼島賽事紀錄片,在澎湃的引擎聲浪中發想,賽車隊跟品牌一樣,需要藉由鮮明有力的識別,讓賽車迷或是贊助商能夠一眼看中,因此來自英國的職業摩托車賽車隊請我們設計出一個識別,第一個提出的要求,是在時速300公里時也能夠被清晰辨識的光影。
Splitlath Redmond Racing Team made all of us become racing fans. During the brainstorming process, we watched the documentary of Isle of Man TT and soaked ourselves in the roars of those beasts of speed. This inspired us to design a visual system which can be identified when the bike travels at 300km/hr.

手掌是摩托車的動力來源,是力量、堅定與團結的象徵。這個識別包含了凝聚感強烈的標誌,加上繽紛醒目的色彩系統,以及完整的識別應用,創造賽車隊視覺上更多可能。賽車隊的應用需求非常多元,從平面到立體,車身上的、賽車手身上的、車庫裡的、網站上的都要能被考量到,我們帶著新隊徽、隊旗、車隊新聞網站以及全新的識別系統,飛到英國跟著Splitlath Redmond團隊參與曼島的賽事、甚至參與社群內容的產出。
We brought the new logo, flag, website and an entirely fresh visual identity to Isle of Man and introduced the new Splitlath Redmond to TT. This visual identity takes inspiration from the source of control & power in bicycle racing — the hand, and form a symbol of strength, resolute and unity. On top of that, the system includes a vivid color system and a wide range of applications, making this project a breakthrough in motor racing VI.
The system includes brand Logo, color system, typography system, website, team flags, livery systems, garage system, and image guidelines.