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design by

Ryan Wang

Bug Wang

Apan Pan

Heather Liu

瑪莎拉蒂 Maserati


小大創意從2014年開始協助 Maserati 執行針對行銷、活動相關的設計專案,包含車主服務禮包、展示空間規劃、Maserati 年度盛事 Masesrati Gran Tour Taiwan 連續七年的活動識別,產品型錄編排印製、禮品規劃包裝、平面廣告設計等項目。Maserati 浪漫內斂的激情,激發我們不斷挑戰自己在設計和製作上的潛力。

Our task was to create a compelling visual identity for the ninth international contemporary art festival Survival Kit 9

Maserati Gran Tour Taiwan

從2014年開始,我們協助 Maserati 設計每年最重要的盛事 — GranTour Taiwan 的活動識別及應用。每年都有超過 60 位以上的車主參與為期三天的環台活動,駕馭自己的 Maserati 徜徉在台灣的風土美景中。識別應用在活動相關的文宣、空間指示、印刷品、活動制服等項目。透過精彩的活動內容和極具質感的設計,給車主們難以忘懷的活動體驗。

In addition to a friendly logo, Mr. Wang wants to merge the brand spirit with his religious faith, which has been spiritual supportive to his family. He would like to share the splendid things in life with people who are in touch with his bakery. The kindness of this dedicated family is what we sincerely want the design to speak for.

What we do: logo redesign, fruitage font design, graphic system, signage, stationery, packaging design, store renovation, website planning.


我們也多次協助 Maserati 設計、製作活動制服。透過精心設計的剪裁和布料的挑選,讓車主在以駕駛為主活動過程中,能在修身帥氣同時也保持舒適與活動性,是很多車主會留下紀念並且詢問的設計製作。

In addition to a friendly logo, Mr. Wang wants to merge the brand spirit with his religious faith, which has been spiritual supportive to his family. He would like to share the splendid things in life with people who are in touch with his bakery. The kindness of this dedicated family is what we sincerely want the design to speak for.

What we do: logo redesign, fruitage font design, graphic system, signage, stationery, packaging design, store renovation, website planning.



設計項目:車主活動識別、車主活動展覽空間、Ferrari Approved 展示中心、車主交車手冊、車主服務禮包、品牌紀念特刊等

In addition to a friendly logo, Mr. Wang wants to merge the brand spirit with his religious faith, which has been spiritual supportive to his family. He would like to share the splendid things in life with people who are in touch with his bakery. The kindness of this dedicated family is what we sincerely want the design to speak for.

What we do: logo redesign, fruitage font design, graphic system, signage, stationery, packaging design, store renovation, website planning.

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